After a Slip with Your Diet….

Saturday, November 28, 2009 13:11
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How did you do with your eating plan over Thanksgiving? Were you able to eat moderately or did you go overboard?

For those of you who did not do so well consider this quote by Jack Lemmon: “Failure seldom stops you. What stops you is the fear of failure.” Think about this a bit. Before the holiday came did you really take the time to figure out a strategy for the day… did you take one look at the all food and  and then not even try?

Could it be that you were more afraid of the fear of failing? Sometimes that underlying fear (which we may not initially recognize) keeps us from fully committing to a plan of action. Maybe we’ve failed so many times in the past we have given up on ourselves inside. So now is the time to let go of the past (forgive yourself) and live in the present (learn from the mistakes). What we want is some clear focus and clarity to plan for success from this point forward.

If you did well, readers share with us how and why you did well. We want to hear about your success! What kind of planning did you execute?

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