Another Good One…(breakfast 9.23.09)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009 13:59
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It was another restful night of sleep and what a difference that makes! I am ready to take on the day and my boy who I can’t believe is almost 11 months old! We actually don’t have much going on today so we will take a nice long walk in the warm, but windy conditions and then try to find an activity to do. For breakfast I had two small pieces of whole wheat cinnamon raisin bread and a banana then I drove Mike into work and got a nonfat latte in return for it. I would have toasted my bread and put a little butter on it but I didn’t have time to so I just ate it raw and plain. It’s the half way point in the week and I am counting down the days to the weekend because it’s going to be a fun one!
100_6245.JPGThis Meal Provides Approximately: Grains = 2 ounces (+whole), Fruit = 0.75 cup, Milk = 1.5 cups

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