Chicken Fajitas, Take Two (dinner 9.17.09)

Friday, September 18, 2009 1:44
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I think I am truly on the mend now. I am feeling a lot better and I even ate my chicken fajitas tonight for dinner. I only had one when I would usually have two but I think that is a good start considering last night I didn’t have any dinner. I still plan to get a good night of sleep because that goes a long way — especially with my crazy little Will who is non-stop action when he is awake! The dishes are done and the house is picked up so there is no excuse for me to be up later than I want to be. I can’t believe tomorrow is Friday already – this week seemed to go by very quickly despite the bumps in it. It looks like the weather is going to be nice both Saturday and Sunday so I am hoping we get to do some activities outside as a family. I better not have just jinxed it!
This Meal Provides Approximately: Grains = 3-3.5 ounces (50% whole), Vegetables = 0.5 cup, Milk = 0.25 cup, Meat & Beans = 1-1.5 ounces, Oils = 1 teaspoon, Discretionary Calories = 5-10 kcals (reduced fat cheese)

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