Definition of a Wholesome Carbohydrate

Saturday, May 22, 2010 20:52
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Many people say they don’t care about eating sweets yet in the same breath say they love whole grain chips, whole wheat bread, energy bars, tortillas, and commercial cereals. But remember this, these carbs simply equal sugar in the long run even if they state on the label they are whole grain products.

They are easily broken down in the digestive process leaving the product with very little fiber and nutrient level left intact, even if they are fortified with synthetic vitamins. 

A wholesome carbohydrate breaks down slowly. But the more processed a food is the more easily it is broken down causing blood sugar problems. We might call some of these foods complex carbohydrates but in reality food manufacturers are grinding our foods up so much they could still be considered refined products even if a product says its 100% whole wheat. Better for us, yes, but still pretty refined, so go easy on these foods.

So what’s best then when it comes to consuming “good wholesome carbs?” Try the non-starchy vegetables, low sugar fruits, and beans/legumes. (Just watch your total portions on these if you are watching  total carbohydrate intake.) They are rich in phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals and fiber compared to all the other so-called 100% whole grain carbohydrates. I think of these foods  as real "whole food"  carbs.

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