Don’t be Self-Conscious at the Gym

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 20:16
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One of the top 3 reasons that many people don’t join or go to a gym is because they feel self-conscious Don’t be Self-Conscious at the Gym exercising in front of others.

They believe…
• Everyone will be staring at them
• They’ll be the only "out of shape" person there
• They will have no idea how to use the equipment
• People will make fun of them for being a beginner

The list goes on and on… and on, but you get the idea. The truth is no one is laughing at or judging anyone else since everyone feels the same exact way and they are too concerned with themselves. In my experience very few people know how to use the machines correctly, which is why most gym goers stick to the 5-6 pieces of equipment that they know well.

Trust me when I tell you that you will find more help and support than negativity at your local gym. You owe it to yourself to at least get a free day pass and try it out…

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