Haunted by Halloween Treats?

Thursday, October 29, 2009 22:58
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Halloween is the kick off season for weight
gain. Don’t be “tricked” into devilish weight gain! Here are some tips to stay on track:

  • Buy
    Halloween candy the day before Halloween so it’s not sitting around to tempt you.
    Store it in places where you are not constantly exposed to it.
  • Purchase
    only the candy items that you don’t like.
  • Consider passing
    out non-food treats to the kids.
  • If
    you absolutely must have a Halloween candy, enjoy a moderate
    amount of it, but only if it doesn’t set you off on a binge. Fruit of course,
    would be the best choice.
  • Emphasize
    the fun part of Halloween. 
  • Halloween
    night is so hectic sometimes a healthy meal is not even a consideration. Plan on consuming leftovers from the night
    before or have something you can just grab and eat
    or assemble quickly.
  • Eat dinner a bit earlier so you get that evening meal in. If you miss dinner entirely it’s
    a set up for over indulging later!
  • Offer
    to buy your kid's candy when it comes in so the leftovers aren't
    "haunting" you. Then get rid of it. Or keep the extra candy in a spot where you
    aren't constantly tempted to see it and eat
  • Enlist your spouse
    or friend to support you (NOT be the food police).
  • Just because those
    mini candies are so little, remember they can add up real quick.
  • Tackle this challenge with a positive attitude! Check Dana's blog as well for additional input on Halloween challenges.

It won’t be a Happy Halloween if you feel bad about over doing it the next day and you won't feel like the devil made you do it!

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