Headed Back To Boston (dinner 9.29.09)
Wednesday, September 30, 2009 0:50After spending a couple of nice days in the Western part of the state we are headed back to Boston. We ate dinner before we left which was good because who knows what I have at the house. We actually picked up a couple things for Will while at the store out here today because tomorrow I’m watching a friend’s daughter for the day so I won’t be going to the store. Dinner was pasta with homemade pesto, salad and bread. If I get hungry on the drive home I can reach in back and grab an apple! I am looking forward to doing some baking this week – first up is an apple crisp because that’s a Jones family favorite. Besides baking and doing more Q&A I don’t have much else planned for our vacation but I am sure we will find a few activities to do. We have to take advantage of Mike’s time off since he doesn’t get it too often!
This Meal Provides Approximately: Grains = 4 ounces (-whole), Vegetables = 1 cup, Milk = 1 cup (not pictured), Meat & Beans = 0.5 ounces, Oils = 2-3 teaspoons
— Post From My iPhone