Helping children stick to a healthy diet

Monday, March 21, 2011 10:54
Posted in category Dieting Tips, Healthy Food Tips
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DAYTON, Ohio (WDTN) – There are many conversations that parents need to have with their children.

And when the subject is weight and lifestyle changes, the chat can get difficult.

But a local family had to make some serious changes to save a little boy’s life.

12-year-old Bailey Goings is getting healthier.

Bailey was 20 pounds heavier just four months ago.

The diagnosis of fatty liver diseases frightened his family, so his mom, Kandie, put him on a supervised 2,000 calorie a day diet.

Leah Sabato and the dietitian department at Dayton Children’s Medical Center worked with Bailey’s family.

Dayton Children’s dietitians understand that changing a diet can be hard for kids, but you should praise your child for making good food and activity decisions and provide the right kinds of foods for them to choose.

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