How To: Write Your Own Diet Book
Wednesday, June 9, 2010 10:00Comments Off on How To: Write Your Own Diet Book
Want to write a diet book? Here are some tips on how to write a best-seller.
The Name
A captivating diet book starts with an intriguing name.
- An exotic-sounding city
- An outrageous and/or exaggerated proclamation: “Change your body in “x amount of days without dieting, exercising or surgery” works well. It also helps if the word “bitch” is in the title.
- Fear-mongering: Use words like; “kill you” and “heart attack“.
- A cleaver acronym.
- The words “ultimate”, “revolutionary”, “hot”, “burn”, and “metabolism”.
- The words “top-secret”, “cure”, “they”, “don’t”, “want”, “you”, “to”, “know”, “about”.
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