Intention and Focus: Getting It Right [Forum]

Thursday, April 15, 2010 19:54
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Having dealt with weight issues all my life l have recently discovered why l have had these issues all of my life! I had a mother who constantly told me l was fat, so l followed that story until l realised that story belonged to my mother and not me.

So then what l had to stop doing was telling my self l was fat which l did everytime l looked in the mirror.I came to the conclusion l had to change my story and my focus when looking in the mirror. In other words l had to say “l love you”.

Stop focussing on your obesity and turn your focus onto the other wonderful aspects of yourself. In doing this we remove the energy of our negative thoughts & patterns. Start by looking at the mirror and see yourself happy and your ideal size or goal weight.

Crete a vision board from cut-out pictures of healthy food, women or men at your ideal weight and look, exercising, happy and joyful images. Put this in a place that you will see when you first wake up and when you go to sleep. Start focussing on this new story of yourself as the only way we can change our story by creating a new story.

We are what we THINK.

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