Is More Exercise Better?
Monday, May 3, 2010 23:45I often get asked if doing 3 sets is better than 2, or if 60 minutes of cardio is better than 30…
To be honest, it’s very difficult to give one swooping statement to cover all people and fitness levels. For example if you’ve been training for years then 3-4 sets would be perfectly fine, but if you’re just starting out I would stick with 2 sets. Also, if you’re moving at a slow and steady pace 60 minutes of cardio is great. However, if you’re doing intervals or sprints, 60 minutes would be over kill.
My best advice is to keep your intensity up and really push yourself for the 1st and 2nd sets. If after those 2 sets you feel like you can complete another with good form than go for it. The only time I would say not to do that is when you’re beginning a new workout program that you haven’t done before. The reason is that you will want to gauge your level of soreness and fatigue over the next few days before adding more volume to your current workout.
After listening to your body and assessing where you're at in terms of work, rest, and recovery you will have a better idea of "how much is too much and what is just enough."