More Thoughts on Low Carb Eating
Saturday, May 1, 2010 19:00
All this week I've been discussing various thoughts on low carb dieting. It appears there's a lot of merit to lower carb eating with more to come.
One well known thought is if you typically eat more protein you will be more satisfied and eat less. That still reverts to the old theory of accurate calorie counting for weight loss. Critics of Taubes book (Good Calories, Bad Calories) suggests he ignores this.
Actually Taubes is bringing to light health concerns that many of us have suspected for awhile, especially how excessive amounts of highly refined foods, sugar, and fat intake are destroying our health, promoting obesity, diabetes and heart disease.
Epidemiological studies cited by Taubes clearly demonstrates when people move from their native underdeveloped countries to the US, both their health conditions and obesity rates spiral up.
(Note on CBS HealthWatch, Eric Schlosser states: ”At least one quarter of American adults eat fast food almost everyday based on the book, Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal.” Fast foods in my opinion are just "Franken-Foods," not nutrition for adequate health.
For a mini review of his book click here although reading the entire book really seems like a great investment in your health, it may not be 100% dead on but remember Taubes specifically states on the cover, "Fats, Carbs, and the controversial science of Diet and Health. Taubes is getting us thinking literally a lot harder and wiser about
the very food we consume on a daily basis.
Readers, do you have any other thoughts about Taubes book or how low
carb diets have helped (or hurt) your dieting efforts?