Motivation and Focus

Saturday, September 12, 2009 13:47
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J0442315 How do keep motivated while you are trying to lose weight? If only we could bottle it and keep it for those times when we “lose” it.
I frequently hear, “I start out really well and then just lose my focus after a week or so,” or “I was doing well until I had a lot of stress at work and then lost my focus.” or “I always lose about ten or twenty pounds and then I lose my focus.”

So if focus is the problem how do you get it back?  There's hope, if  you can lose it then you can find it again!

Start with a list of your motivators. Don’t stop there, make those motivators become alive again and don’t just say "I just want to lose thirty pounds," Does that really motivate you? It simply does not elicit the underlying motivation behind it.  Exactly why do you want to lose thirty pounds? Dig those reasons out.
The following are some ways to really “focus” on how to rejuvenate your motivation with your thoughts:

  • I will have more energy.  With that energy, I will do more outdoor activities again like water ski, go to the beach in a bathing suit and compete in volleyball again. I will play with my kids more and I will hike again.
  • I will feel more confident in social situations. Maybe I will start dating again, get a better job, or join a class etc.
  • I will be healthier. I will lower my blood pressure or cholesterol and just maybe live longer!

So take these reasons and think about them, often, every day and especially when you are feeling tempted or the next time you “lose your focus.” Revisit them with real heart and feeling.

Readers how do you regain your focus?

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