No Matter what Believe!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 1:43
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Well how did your Mother's Day weekend go? Did you get through it pretty well or did you struggle?  Well here’s a hint for the next social event that may help you achieve success if you need help overcoming temptation. It's summed up in this quote by Henry Ford: "If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right."

Watch any negative thinking like, "What's the use I always gain it back,."I just can't lose weight no matter what I do." I'll get back on track tomorrow…"

So at the next food event think of how many others before you have already have faced the challenge and won.  For example if  you’re thinking "I just have no will power," think instead,  "Just look at all the thin people who have succeeded, if they can do it so can I!  I do have will power I just need to channel it toward my weight loss goal." It goes a long way helping you believe that you really can accomplish what you want.

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