Should You Run Longer or Faster?

Monday, April 12, 2010 23:55
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Should you run longer or faster A common question among weight loss enthusiasts who are looking to lose weight through running is whether or not they should run for a longer amount of time, or if they should reduce the time and run faster.

Although, there are dozens of factors that should be taken into account when assessing whether you should run longer or faster I would first look at which one you prefer doing. There are very few times I would recommend choosing a particular type of exercise that you hate doing. As always, it’s best to choose something you can make a permanent part of your routine.

The other point I want to make today is that you don’t have to choose on over the other. You can do one long distance, cardio day, and then you can have a “fartlek” based interval running day. Personally, I think you may find this solution to be more beneficial when designing a well-rounded workout program that you will not get bored doing.

Tomorrow, I’ll be back with a more definitive answer for those wondering which running modality (long distance vs. intervals) they should choose when it comes to burning more body fat.

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