Weight Loss Tips for the Holiday Season
Monday, November 30, 2009 19:15On Friday I blogged about the importance of eating breakfast during the holiday season to help keep up
with your weight loss. Here are some other eating tips that can help you keep the pounds away during this busy and stressful time of year:
Have a mid-morning snack making sure it is a combination of protein and carbohydrate (either fruit or something whole grain.) This snack will prevent you from grabbing the holiday cookies or candies that may be around and will also allow you time to plan out a healthy option for lunch.
Enjoy your lunch, but don't eat too late. Remember if you are going out to lunch to make healthy choices such as salads with the dressing on the side, broth based soups, and sandwiches on whole grain bread with vegetables. If you can bring your own lunch – that is the best way to keep track of your calories.
Afternoon snacking is also important, but remember to skip the treats and have something similar to your morning snack – this will keep your energy levels up and will help you from having a hunger binge once you get home from work.
Dinner should be a time where you sit and enjoy your meal with family and friends. This will keep the stress down and will allow you to truly enjoy your food. Try to eat before 8pm – you don't want to go to bed on a super full stomach and interrupt your sleep.
If you need a night time snack stay away from fat free treats and other foods high in refined carbohydrates and enjoy some fresh fruit, nuts, or even a small piece of dark chocolate.
Keeping a food diary during the holidays is a great way to track what you are eating and to help keep stress levels down.