Why Do Some People Achieve and Others Don’t? [Forum]

Saturday, July 31, 2010 9:47
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Doesn’t it make you wonder how some people are more successful in achieving a healthy mind and body than others?

I remember asking myself why this is.

Why do some give up only after a couple of months in wanting to transform their bodies to a fit and healthy state, and on the other hand what does it really take to continue a fit lifestyle and wellbeing.

The main problem i see with people attempting to get fit and not succeeding is that they do not leave their comfort zone.

If you want real results you better start real training. Now this doesn’t mean you have to start living like a monk, but rather taking the grip of responsibility in life.
Why not look after our bodies… we are worth it right?

When exercising this doesn’t mean half heartedly walking of a treadmill for 45mins with not pushing yourself for results.

A great saying that i remember hearing some years back was “You can’t get someone else to do the pushup’s for you”

Meaning you need to go out and experience this challenge and conquer it by yourself.
Growth Is Key

Whenever i workout or training in martial arts i am always looking to stretch myself and my learning.

People with exercising should not avoid the discomfort of having to work a little to get the results they originally set out to achieve.

So understand that this is where the growth in us lies, not just in health but everything we want to have.

After some time i had come to some conclusion that the ones who are out there kicking butt with a great success and growing themselves from the inside out are the ones who are taking the bull by the horns rather than running away.

So go ahead, grab the bull by the horns and take that ride. How do you know until you try?

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