Wide Waists Increase Asthma Risk

Wednesday, August 26, 2009 22:54
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Wide waists increase asmtha risk A new study found that women with wider waists (even if they are not overweight) are more likely to develop asthma.

"The California Teachers Study of more than 88,000 women found the same association between obesity and increased incidence of asthma that has been seen in other research, according to the Aug. 25 online report in the journal Thorax.

But it also found a 37 percent increased incidence of asthma among women with a waist circumference of 88 centimeters — about 35 inches — even if they were of normal weight."

This is an interesting study since it goes to show that you don't necessarily have to "look overweight" to have increased health risks. The great news is that a combination of exercise and proper nutrition will help you widdle your waist back down to a slimmer size.

Source: Wide Waists Increase Asthma Risk

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