Short Training Schedule (breakfast 7.30.09)

Thursday, July 30, 2009 12:44
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The heat and humidity continues but we have been lucky here in Boston to have avoided some of the strong rain, thunder and lightening storms that have hit a lot of the region. I was not able to go running yesterday so I am heading out this morning. I have already had my breakfast and drank water so I should be set to go once I can get Will ready and in the stroller. At the very beginning of the summer I signed up for a 7-mile road race thinking I would be ready for it by August 9th. Well, 8/9 is next weekend and although I thought I would just skip the race, the pressure (from my sister) is on to still do it. I know it won’t be my best run but I know I can make it through so that’s been my motivation to at least go out every other day and put in a few miles. Time to hit the pavement!
This Meal Provides Approximately: Grains = 1.25 ounces (+whole), Fruit = 0.66 cup, Milk = 1.25 cup

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