Stay Safe by Using Proper Form when Lifting

Monday, October 26, 2009 22:19
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I was doing some online research when I came across one of the best examples of a popular lifting technique broken down into easy tips that anyone can follow. There is also an image on this webpage clearly depicting proper form in a 3-step fashion when lifting an object from the ground.

This isn't just a skill you need when in the gym… if you plan to keep your back healthy when doing chores around the house or at work, you’ll want to follow these safety tips and bullet points:Stay safe by using proper form when lifting

• Keep a wide base of support.
• Squat down,
• Maintain good posture
• Lift slowly
• Hold the object close
• Use your feet
• Lead with your hips
• Set it down slowly

The website also gives one of my favorite reminders to "avoid turning or twisting your body while lifting or holding a heavy object." These tips and photos will hopefully serve as a reminder of how to stay safe by using proper form when lifting an object up from the ground!

For the full article visit Central Health

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