Playoff Baseball (dinner 10.7.09)

Thursday, October 8, 2009 1:22
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We nearly got blown over but we braved the winds and went for a walk with Bruce this afternoon around our neighborhood. It was crazy how windy it was out there! I grabbed a skim latte while I was out because the light lunch I had wasn’t going to hold me over until dinnertime and I needed a little boost. It’s baseball playoff time which is very exciting but also very tiring because the games are on so late…especially when your east coast team is playing a west coast team (ex. Red Sox vs Angels). Tonight the Yankees are on in our house because that’s Mike’s team – tomorrow it will be the Sox…hopefully eventually they will be playing each other so we can just watch one game! We had burgers on the grill, topped with lettuce, tomato, avocado and pickles for dinner along with some seasoned french fries made in the oven.
This Meal Provides Approximately: Grains = 2-3 ounces (+whole), Vegetables = 1.25 cup, Milk = 0.25 cup, Meat & Beans = 3.5-4 ounces, Oils = 2 teaspoons, Discretionary Calories = 75 kcals (fries and cheese)

100_6360.JPGI officially finished Will’s scarecrow Halloween costume today and I
just need to get a ball of twine for some little finishing touches. I
am proud of myself for making it, but since he pulls the hood/hat off
every time I put it on him, I am starting to wonder if I wasted my
time. I am going to keep trying and see if by the 31st I can get him to
leave it there long enough for a picture at least!

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